Fair value measurement在ACCA考試中怎么去理解?

ACCA證書是英國協(xié)會組織的考試,ACCA國際注冊會計師要求學員掌握的內容有很多。ACCA考試的內容要求學員能夠循序漸進的去學習,同時也要求學員能夠掌握更多的財會知識。那么,F(xiàn)air value measurement在ACCA考試中怎么去理解?

ACCA考試的知識點較多,F(xiàn)air value measurement是ACCA考試的一個點,學員在學習該內容的時候,要知道哪些是需要學員掌握的,哪些是需要學員理解的。Fair value measurement的內容學員可以從下面學習:



1、Fair value

Fair value is a market-based measure, not an entity-specific one. Therefore, valuation techniques used to measure fair value maximize the use of relevant observable inputs and minimise the use of unobservable inputs.

2、IFRS 13 establishes a fair value hierarchy that categorises the inputs to valuation techniques into 3 levels:

1) A fair value measurement assumes that the transaction takes place either資產或負債進行有序交易的主要 (或zui有利)市場。:

a) in the principal market for the asset or liability, or

b) in the most advantageous market (in the absence of a principal market). 注意:計算zui有利市場時,需要扣除所有成本,包括運輸成本和交易成本。但計算FV時,應該不含交易成本transaction costs。

2) The fair value of a liability assumes that the liability remains outstanding and the market participant transferee would be required to fulfill the obligation, rather than it being extinguished.需要考慮各種風險,包括信用風險。

3) For non-financial assets, the fair value measurement is the value for using the asset in its highest and best use (the use that would maximise its value,考慮點:physically possible, legally permissible and financially feasible) or by selling it to another market participant that would use it in its highest and best use. 對于非金融資產,資產的zui高效和zui佳使用,以及資產是與其他資產相結合使用還是單獨使用。主體計量公允價值時所采用的適當估值技術,著重關注市場參與者對資產或負債進行定價時所使用的變量。


